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Vous vous trouvez dans la vue d'ensemble de l'article: R01
Veuillez choisir une variante de l'article dans le tableau de vue d'ensemble ci-dessous.

The low pressure regulator is manually adjustable. Version R01-4 has an integrated safety valve
which opens at a pressure of 1.5 times of the max. outlet pressure, thus not suitable for gas pressure
regulation in closed rooms.

Media: compressed air, propane, butane or other non-corrosive gases

max. 16 bar at R01-5/-6
max. 10 bar at R01-4

at min. supply pressure and flow = < 5% FS pressure deviation
at max. supply pressure and flow = < 15% FS pressure deviation
at max. supply pressure without flow = < 25% FS pressure deviation

Air_consumption: without constant bleed
Mounting_position: any

R01-5/-6: by adjusting knob,
a dial enabling eleven settings for different outlet pressure
R01-4: by T-handle with locknut

Relieving_function: non-relieving
Gauge_port: G1/4 on one side of the body, except on R01-5/-6

Temperature_range: -20 °C to 60 °C / -4 °F to 140 °F

Body: zinc die-cast
Elastomer: NBR/Buna-N
Inner_valve: brass

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